Wednesday 11 April 2012


Ha! I made good of my words! I kept to my prior failed resolution and I'm posting 2 days straight (alright, I skipped a day). But still quite a small achievement for someone so weak-willed, I must say. 

Small achievements aside, I have always wondered how bloggers come up with their materials all the time. For foodies, they get their materials from food they consume; for the automobile junkies, they attend motor shows and launches (I'm assuming here, forgive my ignorance) and so on. They seem to have some sort of ready material to exploit. 

But what of 'life in general' bloggers, such as yours truly. I think my resolution to blog once a day may hit the dirt sooner than I thought. Let's be honest, who's life is sooo.... interesting that they have material to blog about it once a day (let's not group celebrities' lives with mere ordinary folks' - their lives, I admit, would be sufficient fodder for an hourly update of a blog). 

Think of an ordinary Jane's weekday life, where you get up, go to work (or go to school), do your work/studies, come back, spend some quality time with self and loved ones, update your social life (or lack of) by prowling your friends' FB pages, read some good ole book and hit the sack. Which part about that is interesting? Granted, there may be a day where your alarm clock abandoned you, you get stuck in horrible traffic or your car breaks down, something screwed up somehow somewhere - but rarely does it happen on a daily basis. So what is the easiest ready material?

Therein, I think, lies the interesting part. We can explore every possible topic and let our imagination run wild. Life in general is fascinating, not necessarily due to the events that occur in it that makes it so. The fact that we are able to live and breathe is just utterly amazing. That's the very reason why there are scientists amongst us - to explore this wonder. The reason why poets are able to produce thought-provoking lines based on nature. The reason why we are always thinking about what is out there, beyond the stars and the moon.

So in this sphere, I shall allow my imagination to go where it will while I ponder on all life-related (and non-life related) things. That is my prerogative. That is also the greatest source of fascination - our minds. 

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